Jade Zabric Music Chords Progressions (The Sound Program)
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Beautiful by Jade Zabric

C (7)
P91 A
108 bpm
Verses:C7 | C7 | Bb7 | Bb7 |
Chorus:C7 | C7 | Bb7 | Bb7 B7 | C7
Bridge:F F | (Dm G C A7)3X | Dm G F F | Dm G C A7 | Dm G
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgbPjFuFyA4
Untitled Document
C7 Bb7 Bb7 C7	

I know I am beautiful / I don't need you to tell me so
Don't think you know me / You ain't figured me out

Never cared too much for fashion / I just wanted to be comfortable
I DO NOT PAIN FOR PRETTY! / I'm already beautiful!
I ain't wearing no high heels/ I ain't doing my nails
You can put that mascara /Back on the self


My music is my passion / Listen and appreciate
What I'm wearing doesn't matter / I'm more than a pretty face
I love myself / You can't rain on this parade
‘Cause I tell me I'm pretty / Each and every single day


F F  | (Dm G7 C A)3X | Dm G7 F F  | Dm G7 C A |  Dm G7 F F F F
I know, with a look in the eye / I can have any guy
Take him home for the night /And I take pride
in the fact that I decide / Who I want
Oooh, / This must be your lucky day!
I'm way too pretty to be straight! And just as sexy in the morning...
I know I'm hot / I see when I take my clothes off / I look in the mirror and I say to myself
This don't belong to nobody else / This don't belong to no one but me
I got everything I need / Yeah, I'm already BEAUTIFUL!

BPM: 108
Drum Pattern: P91 A
Reggae 2 4/4 (16 beats)
Verses:C7 | C7 | Bb7 | Bb7 |
Chorus:C7 | C7 | Bb7 | Bb7 B7 | C7
Bridge:F F | (Dm G C A7)3X | Dm G F F | Dm G C A7 | Dm G

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