Love, Mosiac by Jade Zabric
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P64 A
87 bpm
Chorus:Bm F#m7 Em7 C#mb5
Verse 1-
Truth be told, my love behold
Once upon a long long time ago
I was something I didn't set out to be
I knew a lot of people, not one really knew me
Picking up the pieces they all threw on the floor
One minute from not being able to take anymore
Anger compressed up inside of my chest
Demanding to confront, wish that I could confess

Chorus 1-
But nothing could change me, nothing could stop me
Numb to reality, forced in conformity
Love, until I loved you, love, until I loved you,
until I love you my love

Verse 2-
You took all the broken stained fragments of glass
Not one was forgotten, not one was surpassed
Gentle and kind each one placed so precise
Making a mosaic of reflections of reflections on my life
And how you've altered me and the direction your in
How could I thank you where should I begin
Picked out from a lost and found like an old dirty hat
Not worth a dime but the memories it has

Chorus 2-
and your heart is gold y que linda tu soul
I was so cold, spiraling out of control
Love, until I loved you, love, until I loved you,
until I love you my love

Well I'm no longer doubtful, I'm no longer unsure
I'm no longer hesitant, I know that I am yours
It's all algebraic, I'm no longer prosaic
I love you, I love, Love your mosaic


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