Jade Zabric Music

My Website

Guitar Lessons and Music Theory Lessons from Jade

  • Guitar: Beginner / Intermediate
  • Rhythm and Notation: Playing with a band / Accompanying / Soloing
  • Music Theory: How chords and scales work / Analyzing pop songs.

$30 / 30 minutes
$50 / hour

in person or online via Zoom, Facebook etc. I'm located in Norfolk, VA

I started playing guitar at 12 years old, and at age 13, auditioned for the High School of Performing and Visual Arts in Houston, Texas. I studied guitar there in the Jazz program all 4 years of high school and graduated in 2004. From 2006 - 2007, while enlisted in the US Air Force, I toured as a guitar player in a variety pop show for troops around the world. From 2010 - 2021, I performed in various pop bands and led jams in New York City. I recieved a B.A. in Music from Baruch College in May 2021. In 2022, I moved to Norfolk, Virginia and I have shows booked here locally already!

I love playing music and learning new songs and I can show you how fun it is to play an instrument, whether you take it classically and want to read or you just want to jam to the radio and your favorite tunes. I've also created a website that I use as a resource daily for music I call it The Sound Program: Music Progressions. Please feel free to use it as well. If it looks overwelming, I can't wait to break it down for you in our lessons!
Jade Zabric

Email me at JadeZabric@gmail.com to get started! or schedule with me below:

Payment for first lesson link ** Monthly Lessons: 30 Minutes | 1 hour

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Booking: JadeZabric@gmail.com